What we learnt in class relates to this task, advertising is defines as how companies try and get you to buy something that you haven't even heard of or seen before.
There are many ads that I really enjoy watching, and there are also some that make me want to tear my hair out! This brings me to my next point; every ad is pointed at a target market.
There are obviously a lot of ads on tv that aren't pointed at my age group ect so there is no reason for me to like them? So of course there is going to be some ads that I really hate. For example:
+ Every Harvey Norman Advertisement there has ever been.
+ Any cleaning products e.g. Easy Off Bam and Napi San.
+ Stupid cheap Warehouse of Kmart ads that have no humour.

The reason why I really dislike these ads because they feel like a waste of time to watch if they are irrelevant to you, and it feels like the company advertising the product hasn't made an effort to make the ad 
enjoyable for all of the general population that is viewing it. If I were in an advertising company, I would try and appeal to the general public because they are viewing it, and chose to influence others to buy the product.

Example of Worse advertisement in the world:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz1vc71RTew
Some advertisements that I really like watching are those on alternative channels, and if they aren't on just the sky channels, they have to be hilarious. At my age, i feel that ads are a waste of time, so if we are forced to watch them, they have to atleast be funny. My favourite ads are ones that actually have a meaning, they dont always have to be funny, but they have to be clever and at least have an attempt to make it look like they have a serious meaning to them, and not going with obvious advertisement hooks and techniques. The niche market that I am in there is rebellion and angst, my friends and I know all about the advertising techniques companies feed us, we can appreciate they are trying but we aren't stupid.

Here is an example of an advert that its suitable to my demographic:

It covers all the bases and has a lot of humour in it. The randomness is captivating and really gets the audiences attention. 
That is my basic opin
Miss T!
4/4/2011 05:46:26 pm

Awesome work, Lily. You've made some intelligent comments about advertising and I like your choices of good and bad ads


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