This week in class, we were asked to blog about our favourite movie trailers and why we liked them. This links to our new internal of close reading. I really like the sound of the internal, and I'm excited to do well! 

Its funny, because I only really watch movies that I have somewhere seen the trailer for it. For example, I only just watched "The Notebook" two weeks ago because I thought it was a sappy love story because I had never seen anything about it, but when I watched it i was pleasantly surprised! Also, whenever I go to the movies, I do actually pay close attention to the trailers before the movies start. I think that the trailers really do influence me and even if it is a bad movie, they make it look better than what it is. I am going to give two examples of trailers that I like and one that I do not! 

The YouTube link above shows "The Truman Show" Trailer. I absolutely love montages in movies, I have to say that it really attracts me to a film. I saw this for the first time about two years ago on C4 when it wasn't Four. The themes are evident in the trailer and it instantly shows you what is in store. Usually, I hate movies where you don't know what is going on, but this trailer already shows you so there is no confusion. I may have a bias opinion on this trailer because I love the movie so much, but in general it is really good!
I HATE THIS MOVIE. But.. the trailer really made me want to watch it! This trailer mixes the exact amount of humor and action, but the actual film bloody ruins it! The reason why I love the trailer is because of the actors and their hilarious jokes, and the music which creates a classy feel with a bit of humor. There are titles that appear right through the sequence that are funny and let the audience know what is happening. What is disappointing is that they show all of the action that actually happens in the movie and nothing much else happens which makes the movie unsuccessful, but overall the trailer really does its job in attracting audiences.
This looks like the stupidest movie ever created. The trailer is stupid and generic and unrealistic obviously. There is nothing more I can say about this apart from its so stupid!!

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    August 2011

