Today was very stressful in that there were a few fights within the group, but it ended up being ok. I finished the video by myself! I exported it to a quicktime file so I can watch it on the big screen tomorrow! That is so I can see things more clearly and edit what looks funny for the final cut! I'm SO happy i have everything to do with the video almost done, and my journal/blog is all up to date. Now tonight, I am completing the new story board and typing up some short answers and a summary. I'm really keen to do well in this assignment and achieve to the best of my abilities. I am looking at the assessment schedule now and going through my video and assessing if I have covered all of the points in it! This is finally due in on Friday so all the stress will hopefully be gone :)

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2011

